COVID-19, Climate, and Democracy: the Triple Threat
In a recent blog post, Greenpeace USA Democracy Campaign Director Folabi Olagbaju makes the essential connection between democracy and climate. As Folabi writes:
“A healthy democracy is a necessary precondition for a healthy environment. Indeed, a vibrant and functioning democracy is our greatest tool to address environmental degradation and climate emergency. We know that when we vote in large numbers, we increase our ability to fight back against corporate polluters and monied interests that have hijacked our democratic process.”
We could not agree more — there is an inextricable link between the existential crises presented by climate change and the assault on democracy. Now, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we find ourselves facing a dire and related third threat: the COVID-19 global pandemic.
The social and economic hardships borne by the COVID-19 crisis are immense and continue to mount.
- Millions of Americans have lost their jobs while millions more must risk their own lives including those who provide healthcare, deliver our mail, provide public transportation, and keep us fed — often without adequate support or protective equipment.
- Immigrants lack access to the social safety net and the health and economic crisis is hitting Latino communities particularly hard.
- Black people are dying at disproportionately higher rates of COVID-19.
COVID-19 has grave implications for democracy too.
Democracy Could Die from COVID-19 Too
Many of us will never forget the Wisconsin voters who risked their lives to cast a ballot after the Governor’s efforts to safeguard the election were blocked by the GOP-led state legislature and conservative-dominated state and federal supreme courts with a penchant for voter suppression.
Another abuse of our democracy in this COVID-19 pandemic is evident in how corporations and wealthy interests are using the health crisis as an opportunity to further enrich themselves. They are hijacking funds from emergency relief packages and coopting the urgently needed stimulus to line their own pockets at the expense of struggling Americans across the country. Look below the surface any industry sector and you’re likely to see examples of lobbyists and insiders courting favors from the administration and GOP during the drafting process (we’ve covered the nursing home industry lobbying to avoid infectious disease safety requirements here).
COVID-19: Cover for Fossil Fuel Greed
One of the most dangerous and inexcusable instances of corporate greed with arguably some of the most toxic long-term consequences comes from the fossil fuel industry. In the unholy collaborative spirit that has marked this administration from the start, corporate lobbyists, the Trump administration, and Republican senators have worked to block economic stimulus support for the growing clean energy sector at the request of the fossil fuel companies. They’ve also used the cover of the COVID-19 crisis to gut fuel economy standards, scale back enforcement of pollution regulations (a significant contributor to many of the preconditions that make Black and Brown Americans more susceptible to severe cases of COVID-19), lease federal land for oil and gas development, and refuse to place restrictions on soot pollution.
This is not new. As DI Executive Director Wendy Fields pointed out in an essay following her October 2019 arrest at the first Fire Drill Friday with Jane Fonda:
The fossil fuel industry spent nearly $2 billion on lobbying to kill climate laws between 2000 and 2016. During that period, they also spent hundreds of millions more on congressional campaign donations and we will never know how much dark money they spent to influence elections. They win big with that investment.
Researchers at the International Monetary Fund found that in 2015, U.S. government subsidies to the fossil fuel industry totaled $649 billion — exceeding the $599 billion spent by the Pentagon.
Our democracy has been deliberately broken. We will not succeed in moving to a renewable energy economy if we don’t win the fight for clean, fair elections, and a government that works for all of us. It will take all of us showing up for democracy to confront and prevail against this kind of power. It will require a bottom-up, grassroots demand from environmental, labor unions, civil rights, and social justice sectors, particularly those affected most: workers, marginalized communities of black and brown people, and those in urban and rural poverty.
Restoring the promise of our democracy means protecting and expanding voting rights to achieve at least 75 percent voter turnout in 2020 and in every election going forward. It means stopping the flow of corporate money and dark money into our political system. It means stopping the abuse of power in the Senate that enables the wealthy to get their tax cuts while critical priorities like immigration, gun control, worker’s rights, and more don’t even get a vote.
Voting Rights Under Attack: Fight Back
We can stand up and fight for our planet and our democracy, and it starts with ensuring all Americans can cast their ballots in this year’s pivotal elections. In the COVID-19 era, that will require Governors and local election officials in most states to make some changes to ensure that people don’t have to risk their health to have a voice in governing. Those changes are estimated to cost between $2 and $4 billion. So far, Congress has only appropriated $400 million. State and local governments already have their hands full and budgets maxed out dealing with the health and economic crisis. They should not have to shoulder the financial burden of safeguarding our elections. That is the federal government’s responsibility.
The Democracy Initiative’s Call to Action
Congress must step up and provide adequate funds to help states ensure all people have safe voting options this year including:
- Expanding Vote by Mail and providing Pre-Paid Postage
- Safe In-Person Voting Options including Early Voting
- Online, Automatic, and Same Day Voter Registration
- Voter Education
As Folabi says:
Wake up America! It’s moments like this one that can decide our fate. I, for one, am fighting for a democracy of the people for a better, healthier, more just planet. The elections are coming, and we have to make sure we’re prepared to make our voice heard. Safely.
Take Action: Use this COVID-19 Voting Social Media Toolkit to join the fight for safe and fair elections this year. And sign up here for our electronic newsletter so we can keep you posted for opportunities to help.