My take on the Articles of Impeachment adopted by the House Judiciary Committee
Wendy Fields, Executive Director, Democracy Initiative
Many hardworking Americans are asking themselves why they should care that Congress issued two articles of impeachment. POTUS has faced no consequences for the way he conducts his Presidential duties and people are skeptical that the Senate will do anything to hold him accountable. At the DI, we think it is pretty simple. Yes, we should care. The Articles of Impeachment being considered by the House are meant to ensure that only American voters decide who wins American elections.
President Trump openly asked a foreign government to interfere in our 2020 elections. The right of all Americans to have a voice in government decisions is the essence of our democracy and it is what we at the Democracy Initiative fight for every day.
Foreign governments can have no say or role in our elections. We witnessed what happened in 2016 and both sides of the aisle agree that our elections must be secure and free of foreign intervention. Foreign interference in U.S. elections diminishes the voice of each and every American. I am not okay with the President of the United States trying to give my power away like that, especially while he is also working making it harder for those most oppressed to cast their vote.
At a time when the basic tenets of our democracy are under daily assault, leaving government in the clutches of powerful corporations and wealthy elites is not an option. We must be vigilant like never before. Join us in keeping an eye on the proceedings, join us in keeping the point simple: this is about securing our votes and election process. That is what every elected official should be voting on, particularly during the Senate trial next year.